a woman is told about the benefits of a womens rehab center

4 Benefits of a Women’s Rehab Center for Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction takes a toll on every facet of a person’s life. It can impact your self-image, physical health, and mental wellbeing. Additionally, when dependence forms, it is nearly impossible to stop using on your own. That’s when turning to a women’s rehab may be the best decision available. At Fresh Start Recovery Center, you…

a doctor offers drug addiction help

Finding Help During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

One of the most difficult things people face when looking for addiction help is trying to get past all the misconceptions that persist about substance abuse. National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is a time when people get the opportunity to look beyond the myths and get the real facts about drug addiction. It’s a…

a group attends addiction treatment therapy

3 Common Addiction Treatment Therapies for Recovery

Overcoming substance abuse is something to be celebrated. While you should be thrilled with your progress, there might still be challenges ahead. Staying in recovery is a lifelong process. Ongoing therapy can help reinforce the lessons you learned in rehab while helping you avoid a relapse. Fresh Start Recovery Center offers various therapies that can…

a man suffers from long term effects of heroin addiction

What Are the Long Term Effects of Heroin Addiction?

The side effects of heroin can have a devastating impact on the human body. It’s not just about the physical damage. Many individuals who abuse heroin end up with mental and emotional fallouts that can last for years. It can seem impossible to pull yourself out of the spiral of heroin addiction. Fresh Start Recovery…

a man has head pain from alcohol addiction

3 Ways Alcohol Addiction Affects the Brain

It’s common to attend a party or sporting event and see people consuming large amounts of alcohol. Many individuals want to let loose and have fun for a few hours, then go back to their everyday lives. However, for some people, excessive drinking doesn’t end once the party is over. Some people find that they…

woman struggles with pain killer addiction

Do I Have a Painkiller Addiction?

If your doctor prescribed prescription painkillers following surgery or for chronic pain, you might have found yourself becoming addicted to them after long-term use. Painkiller addiction often leads to an obsession with finding more of the medication, even if you no longer have a prescription. Learn more about the signs of painkiller addiction and reach…

women discussing gender specific treatment

Does Gender-Specific Treatment Make a Difference?

At Fresh Start Recovery Center, we understand that gender-specific treatment gives men and women a chance to build a safe space during rehab. Our women’s program lets female clients discuss intimate details such as childhood abuse, childcare, and other sensitive topics. Our men’s program focuses on breaking down barriers so male clients can get the…

individual sitting being admitted to heroin addiction treatment program

5 Long Term Effects of Heroin Addiction

Heroin is a highly addictive illegal drug produced solely for recreational purposes. To make heroin, morphine is mixed with sugar, powdered milk, quinine, or starch. This stretches out the dosage and increases the revenue stream for those who produce heroin illicitly. Heroin addiction often follows prescription drug addiction. Heroin addiction can have a number of…

couple discussing cocaine addiction recovery

4 Signs of Cocaine Addiction in Your Partner

If your partner has a problem with cocaine abuse, you may wonder if they have a full-blown cocaine addiction. Learn four common signs that your loved one needs cocaine rehab to overcome their physical and mental dependency. At Fresh Start Recovery Center in Maryland, we tailor our addiction treatment program to specific drugs. In addition,…