Dr. explains what to expect from a drug rehab program

What to Expect from a Drug Rehab Program

In a drug addiction treatment program, those addicted to drugs can receive targeted treatment and support in a safe environment. If you’re struggling with addiction, spending time in treatment can help you build the healthy coping skills you need to maintain recovery long-term. For men and women struggling with addiction, Fresh Start Recovery Center offers…

woman wonders the difference between dependence and abuse in pills

The Differences Between Dependence, Abuse, and Addiction to Prescription Drugs

It is somewhat common for people to use terms like drug addiction and drug abuse interchangeably. Even drug dependence, which describes a very specific condition, is not always understood. It’s important for those using prescription drugs to know these differences, especially if your habits for using those medications have changed. At Fresh Start Recovery Center,…

a relapse prevention plan is outlined in a notebook

3 Things to Include in a Relapse Prevention Plan

The potential of having a relapse is always present in the lives of individuals in recovery. It can happen to people who have been sober for years. Having a relapse prevention plan to fall back on can help you deal with that possibility. The presence of a relapse plan should be seen as a sign…

a doctor offers drug addiction help

Finding Help During National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

One of the most difficult things people face when looking for addiction help is trying to get past all the misconceptions that persist about substance abuse. National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is a time when people get the opportunity to look beyond the myths and get the real facts about drug addiction. It’s a…

a man struggles with opiate addiction

4 Signs of Opiate Addiction

Opiate abuse can be one of the hardest addictions to overcome. Opiates work by altering the way your brain perceives pleasure and pain. People might be prescribed opiates to help manage chronic pain, but keep taking them in ways other than as prescribed because they want to experience the feelings of euphoria caused by the…

a man suffers from long term effects of heroin addiction

What Are the Long Term Effects of Heroin Addiction?

The side effects of heroin can have a devastating impact on the human body. It’s not just about the physical damage. Many individuals who abuse heroin end up with mental and emotional fallouts that can last for years. It can seem impossible to pull yourself out of the spiral of heroin addiction. Fresh Start Recovery…

bottles of commonly abused prescription drugs

4 Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs can relieve pain and treat the symptoms of illness. However, they sometimes lead to drug abuse. Many of our clients at Fresh Start Recovery Center in Maryland struggle with prescription addition with benzodiazepines, opioids, barbiturates, and stimulants, even if they’ve been prescribed these medications by a doctor. It’s important to understand how these…