overdose in dictionary

Reports Show Maryland Overdose has Declined

Drug Overdose Deaths have Declined in Maryland In the last two years, officials locally and across the country have been allocating any and all extra resources to combat the opioid epidemic since drug overdoses were declared a public health emergency. Recently, we have seen a small amount of progress in the state of Maryland. There…

pills spilled out of bottle

What’s Really in Your Drugs?

Drug dealers have taken on a new role as a chef, creating concoctions of multiple deadly drugs. Drug dealers have been marketing what they sell on the street as pills, heroin or cocaine, when in reality it is a mix of different drugs, they created to make more money while spending less. The drugs they…

pills on a desk

College Students and Substance Abuse

College Students and Substance Abuse: Deadly Combinations College is often a time of exploration and learning, but did you know it is also a time of binge drinking and substance abuse? Studies show that college students are more likely to partake in binge-drinking, marijuana use, and prescription drug use, which often leads to substance abuse.…

road sign Healthy Life

Exercise and Drug Addiction

Food, Exercise and Drug Addiction: A strange combination Eating healthy, exercise and drug addiction may seem like an odd combination, however recent studies show that exercise could decrease substance abuse and reinforce abstinence, while healthy eating may increase mood and long-term recovery. Exercising while using drugs is not recommended and could be very dangerous due…

oxycodone and heroin

Oxycodone Vs. Heroin: Which Is Worse?

Oxycodone Vs. Heroin When it comes to Oxycodone vs. heroin, many people question which is worse. The assumption is that heroin is worse than Oxycodone since one is a pill given out by doctors and one is bought on the street- however are they really that different? When it comes to Oxycodone, heroin and other…

woman looking at liquor bottles

Drug Experimentation Can Lead to Addiction

Harmless experimenting can lead you down the road of addiction Most young people will, at some point in there life, experiment with drugs or alcohol. Whether it is when they are freshman in high school smoking pot after school, or freshman at college getting “blackout drunk” for the first time, it is important to understand…